It is incomprehensible that - to this very day - there is not a single Marvel® movie made about birds. Birds own so many superpowers!
Speed, strength, agility, stamina, intelligence, regenerative healing, flight, disguise and deception, shapeshifting and so much more!
In this interactive lecture for 8 to 10 year olds I will dive into the spectacular world of birds and hope to dazzle them with my enthusiasm, the clue being:
Leave your Playstation on the sofa, open the curtains and let the wonders in your backyard sweep you off your feet!
Target audience: 8 - 10 year olds
Duration: 75 minutes
Interested but with another target audience in mind?
Don't hesitate to contact me.
But why?
From an early age on I've always been a nature lover. As a kid I made my own magazine "Groen is Groen" on a Brother typewriter and I delivered it around the neighborhood (friends and family). Later in life I Discovered birding. It brought me so much joy.
In the rat race we are all in it is difficult to find the room to breathe and just be present.
Walking through the woods or in the fields with your binoculars engages all your senses and creates so much headspace!
My fascination still grows with every bird I see. That's why I cannot stop learning and reading about these versatile creatures.
Nothing makes me happier than sharing my enthusiasm. My friends are used to getting the full lecture when we go out for a walk. So it was time I looked for a different audience. ;)
I've always found it inspiring to work with kids so the choice was easy.
However, nowadays they seem to be stuck with glue to their many screens though the real magic happens just outside their door. I want to show them a different approach.
In the workshop I also love to take the time to accentuate the importance of environmental issues as we have to take care of our precious planet to be able to keep on enjoying all this beauty.